Jim Smith The making of art is one of the few compulsions that are socially acceptable.

“Capture Your Dreams”

“Capture Your Dreams” Currently displayed on the front lawn of the Karpeles Manuscript Library and Museum. http://www.rain.org/~karpeles/jax.html in Jacksonville Florida.

side view

This work was made in collaboration with Craig Pedroni http://www.turningartsgroup.com/2012/09/08/pedronis-cast-stone-tour/ and Mary Atwood. http://maryatwoodphotoart.com/ Louise Sharrocks. https://www.facebook.com/louise.sharrocks

Work in process photos.

Work in process photo.

Work in process photo.

This public sculpture is a contemporary and symbolic version of the naïve hope to capture something we hold dear. It is similar to the simple devices children create to capture some sort of creatures such as birds or squirrels. There is a combined simplicity and sophistication to the overall appearance of this work.

Frist drafts.

first drafts: